Microsoft Outlook Express keyboard shortcuts

You can quickly accomplish tasks you perform frequently by using shortcut keys � one or more keys you press on the keyboard to complete a task. For example, pressing COMMAND+K sends an outgoing message, just as clicking Send Message Now on the Message menu sends an outgoing message.

Which keyboard shortcuts do you want to use?

Keys for common Outlook Express functions

Keys for working in windows and dialog boxes

Keys for managing the Message list

Keys for reading messages

Keys for reading threaded messages

Keys for finding text and changing font size

Keys for creating, addressing, formatting, and sending messages

Keys for replying to, forwarding, and redirecting messages

Keys for creating and moving through folders

Keys for using the Address Book

Keys for editing text

Keys for Macintosh style and Microsoft Office style text editing


Keys for common Outlook Express functions

Press To
HELP Open Outlook Express Help.

SHIFT+COMMAND+Q Switch identity.

COMMAND+S Save an item.

COMMAND+P Print an item.

OPTION+COMMAND+P Print one copy of an item, without selecting printing options.

COMMAND+Z Undo the last action.

COMMAND+Q Quit Outlook Express.


Keys for working in windows and dialog boxes

Press To
COMMAND+1 Open the Outlook Express window or make it the active window.

COMMAND+2 Open the Address Book or make it the active window.

COMMAND+3 Open the Progress window or make it the active window.

COMMAND+4 Open the Error Log or make it the active window.

COMMAND+~ Cycle forward through open windows.

SHIFT+COMMAND+~ Cycle back through open windows.

COMMAND+W Close the active window.

TAB Move forward through boxes in a dialog box.

SHIFT+TAB Move back through boxes in a dialog box.

CONTROL+TAB Move forward through tabs in a dialog box.

SHIFT+CONTROL+TAB Move back through tabs in a dialog box.


Keys for managing the Message list

Press To
COMMAND+\ Show or hide the Preview pane.

DOWN ARROW Move down through messages in the Message list.

UP ARROW Move up through messages in the Message list.

COMMAND+O Open the selected message.

COMMAND+A Select all messages.

COMMAND+Y View unread messages only.

SHIFT+COMMAND+Y View flagged messages only.

COMMAND+T Mark selected messages as read.

SHIFT+COMMAND+T Mark selected messages as unread.

OPTION+COMMAND+T Mark all messages in a folder as read.

COMMAND+L Refresh the Message list.

SHIFT+COMMAND+M Move the selected message to a folder.


Keys for creating and moving through folders

Press To
SHIFT+COMMAND+N Create a new folder.

COMMAND+O Open the selected folder in a new window.

COMMAND+D Delete the selected folder.

DOWN ARROW Move down through the Folder list.

UP ARROW Move up through the Folder list.
